This Week’s Announcements & Zemanim – Toldos

This Week’s Announcements & Zemanim – Toldos Shul Announcements: -Dr. Avrumi Blaivas will be giving his Thursday night Chumash Shiur tonight at 9:15. Cholent will be served. -The White Family invites the Mispallelim of the Shul to a Kiddush this Shabbos following davening in honor of the recent birth of their daughter Michal. May we continue to share in Simchos. -Seuda Shlishis this week is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown in memory of Mr. Brown’s father, R’ Dov ben R’ Meir A”H. whose Shloshim is this week.

-Please continue to be mispallel for Chanania Hillel Tzvi ben Leah Tova.

Shabbos Davening and Shiurim Schedule:

Mincha and Hadlakas Neiros: 4:18 (please make sure to be on time) Shacharis: 8:30 Sof Zman Krias Shmah: 8:37 / 9:13 Daf Hayomi: 3:05 Mezuzah Shiur: 3:25 Mincha: 4:05 Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 5:25

Weekday Davening Schedule:

Sunday Mincha/Maariv: 4:20 Shacharis Monday-Friday: 7:00 Maariv: 10:00

Weekday Shiurim Schedule:

Mishna Berurah Yomi: Monday-Friday: 6:30

Daf Yomi: Shabbos: 3:05 Sunday: 7:40 AM Monday-Friday: 6:10 AM

Rav’s Gemarah Shiur Monday-Thursday: 8:45-10:00 PM Night Seder: 9:15 – 10:00 PM

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