[Bais Medrash Zichron Eliezer] Shavuos Sponsorship Opportunities

The following Sponsorship Opportunities are available for Shavuos: Refreshments Shavuos Night: $100 (2 of 2 available) Shiurim $100 (3 of 3 available) Rav’s shiur: $150 (the last shiur of the night) Neilas Hachag: $150 Siyum/Kiddush Sponsorships available (for 2nd day Yom Tov) as well. Please email sponsorships@ourshul.net or reply to this email to reserve your sponsorship(s). Siyum HaMishnayos We are ALMOST finished Sisha Siderei Mishna. If you have not yet signed up, please do so at: https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheet/ccc?key= 0AmUrJsP5jh5FdDdEVTRmTEp1TWRvU nZrX2VvZ0I1dlE&usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmUrJsP5jh5FdDdEVTRmTEp1TW RvUnZrX2VvZ0I1dlE&usp=sharing>

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