Announcements: The Rav is accepting Maatanos L’evyonim to be distributed on Purim. The Rav will be giving a Shiur Purim Morning before Shacharis at 6:45 on the Sugya on Katan and Krias Hamegillah. Special Purim Avos Ubanim in Shul – from 11:00-11:35. Special nosh and a grand raffle of great prizes! We would like to thank the following prize sponsors: Spira Family: Shas Blumenthal Family: Bike and Lego Set Cohen Family: Drone Buckstein Family: Large Lego Set and Scooter Horowitz Family: Awesome nosh Rabbi and Rebbetzin Spira invite everyone to a Mesiba in their home with live music and dancing following the Purim Seuda. MaarivRead More →