*Announcements:* 1) If you have not already done so, please reserve your Yomim Noraim seats by visiting www.ourshul.net 2) Kiddush is sponsored by the Mazoud Family for a Refuah Shelaima for Ita Liba bas Minna. Cholent is sponsored by Eli Klein. 3) As we do from time to time, the Shul will be hosting a gala Seuda Shlishis this week. We are looking for sponsors at $36. Please reply to this email if you would like to participate. 4) Mazel Tov to the Toran Family on the birth of a baby girl this week. To help with meals, please contact Chani Saunders at chanifsaunders@gmail.com. *Zmanim:*Read More →

Mazel Tov! B”H the Toran family welcomed a baby girl early Wednesday morning. If anyone would like to bring them a meal, please contact Chani Saunders.Read More →