*Shul Announcements:* 1. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown on the birth of a great-grandson in Eretz Yisroel this week! B’H, all are doing well. Mazel tov as well to the Rav and Rebbitzen (the great uncle and aunt)! May the Browns have much nachas from the new baby and their entire family! 2. Please remember to finish your mishnayos for the Siyum. 3. Thank you to the Fleischer Family and to the Bodenheim Family for sponsoring the critical refreshments on Shavuos Night. The Bodenheim’s are sponsoring l’iluy nishmas Chaim Ben Nesanel. May his neshama have an aliyah. 4. Thank you to theRead More →

The following sponsorship opportunities remain available: 1. Refreshments (First Night): $150.00 (2 available) 2. Shiurim: $100.00 (1 available) 3. Rav’s Shiur ($150 – the last Shiur of the night) 4. Kiddush Second Day ($100 – 1 more needed) Please email announcements@ourshul.net if you would like to be a sponsor.Read More →