[image: JFS-Color-Logo] http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cokJvCHIXjsgX4pLy0-fFAeRlDPxOViWi__iCBhWqok4WL5H0RxBKx-FuH6VSlhIdy-KNoBE35z4aoQ_9CfyUHaU45Ga0cwbtm5V2Sa9Xlvbo4mNBvZSZGedanMQp0PkhEMg2-KPwis1_AF61S_8M-Ys-NZ2v–ebM4yqnRd4cY=&c=50QwY6juXkwyJN1ijXGVC5XCh5hPzp6PMRXlmEUmI6aovzYdH9ao0A==&ch=cgvFq37aBLzfkRy7SU-WD7IkogYAqO8icN-7A4cl9nyWYlhE6BLxLQ== Dear Friends: As we mourn the tragic loss of Eyal Yifrach, 19, Gil-Ad Shaar, 16 and Naftali Fraenkel, 16… Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President, Emeritus of the Orthodox Union will be addressing the community: “Were our tears shed in vain? A Torah response to an unspeakable tragedy” When: Tuesday, July 1st at 8:00 pm Where: Congregation Tifereth Israel 180 Passaic Avenue, Passaic In light of today’s deeply tragic news from Israel our children, just like us, must be dealing with so many conflicted feelings and emotions. When tragedy happens children look to see our responses. The most important thingRead More →