—————————— * Rav Naftali Kaplan mussar vaad presentation TONIGHT!!* Rothenberg home 124 Ridge Ave 8:45pm Rabbi Heshy Grossman, who used to give our Daf Yomi shiur, is involved with this Yeshiva, and is in town for tonight’s vaad. Rav Naftali Kaplan has been leading Mussar va’adim for more than thirty years and has worked closely with many of the greatest Mussar personalities of our generation. In 1982 he founded a Kollel Beit HaMussar with Rav Shlomo Wolbe (author of Alei Shur), which combined a high level of Torah study with the study and practice of Mussar. Rav Kaplan is currently Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat NetivRead More →